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Brownfield redevelopment

According to INSEE, a wasteland is “a built-up or undeveloped area, formerly used for industrial, commercial or other activities, abandoned for more than two years and measuring more than 2,000 m2”. But  there are also agricultural wastelands (different from fallow land) and urban wastelands.

To facilitate their rehabilitation, numerous inventories of wasteland have been carried out. Cerema‘s. Or the Lifti.

Brownfield redevelopment enables the site to be put to a new social, environmental or agricultural use. It’s a development opportunity for the region on available land. Brownfield redevelopment has many environmental and economic advantages. 

In some cases, brownfield redevelopment can : 

  • combating soil artificialisation
  • recreating green grids, acting for biodiversity
  • contribute to the economic revitalization of a region