Protecting a site, improving the living environment

5 avril 2023

Inert soil from local construction sites can be repurposed to make protective elevations. Upcycling soil in this way reduces the costs of landscaping. The site is thus given a new use and can accommodate new natural environments (meadows, groves, woods).

The sound insulation mound becomes a landscape feature that makes the area more appealing

THE CHALLENGE : increased rail infrastructure and traffic densification result in increased noise. To maintain high quality of life in their area, local authorities sometimes need to take noise-reduction measures. The challenge, then, is to provide a quickly implemented solution that restores and safeguards the living environment of the local community. And protects the value of areas exposed to noise.

THE SOLUTION : using noise protection elevations that preserve the appeal of areas exposed to noise through an appropriate and effective development. The creation of landscaped ramparts results in :

  • improved quality of life for inhabitants,
  • increased real-estate values of homes,
  • greater attractiveness of the town, while offering new areas for walking and discovering nature.

Local residents take back the space

The new woods and slopes created by shaped ramparts are eco-designed. Their consultation model makes it possible to adapt each project to the wishes and needs of the community while promoting biodiversity. The aim is to allow local people to take back the renatured spaces in a sustainable manner.

Consult the leaflet « Merlons de protection »

Protecting a site, improving the living environment, click here