Agricultural rehabilitation of the site at Louvres: A harvest of maize is expected in autumn

17 mai 2021

Restoring agricultural vitality: The goal of rehabilitating land at the Louvres site (Val d’Oise – 95)

Restoring agricultural vitality: The goal of rehabilitating land at the Louvres site (Val d’Oise – 95)

Before rehabilitation, this land had been used to dump bad spoil during the construction of the adjoining Francilienne (the Paris outer ring road). The soil was of low agricultural value. ECT stepped in to finance and commence the agricultural rehabilitation of the land. The works lasted 5 years.

Some agricultural holdings are going to regain their fertility by the creation of a top layer of fertile substrate carried out in situ by ECT’s R&D and operational teams. 

On one part of the land, ECT concentrated the recovery of topsoil. That is where the farmer sowed at the beginning of May, despite a very unfavourable weather forecast. The harvest of maize will take place in autumn.

Click here to follow in photos the restoration of the site for agriculture, and here for the video made at the Louvres site.