Dap – the request for prior approval

You must, before any delivery of inert materials, comply with the regulations and send us a Request for Prior Approval (a Demande d'Acceptation Préalable or DAP)

DAPs must be sent to this email address : dap@groupe-ect.com

They must be sent at least 48 hours before the first deliveries.

You must complete a DAP for each of your sites.

These are the contact people in charge of these requests:

  • Alexandre BURKHALTER - 06 11 51 19 85
  • Sylvie MIGNARD - 06 08 81 03 14
  • Ivan MRKUSIC - 06 10 34 52 31
Engin sur le site ECT de Clichy-sous-bois

Excavation of soils on construction & public works sites © Gil Fornet 2018

ECT DAP m3 Request for Prior Approval (DAP)
Invoiced by the cubic metre
Prices :
Invoiced by the cubic metre
Quantity in M3
Access to all ECT sites receiving inert materials (except for restrictions)
ECT DAP Tonnes Request for Prior Approval (DAP)
Invoiced by the tonne
Invoiced by the metric tonne
Quantity in Tonnes
Restricted access to sites equipped with a weighbridge
ECT DAP UDTM Request for Prior Approval (DAP)
Unit of Wet Soil ('Unité de Décantation de Terres Mouillées' or UDTM)
Prices :
Invoiced by the cubic metre or by the metric tonne
Quantity in M3 or in tonnes
Only for the UDTM site at Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin

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